Order Your Free* Experian Credit Report
A picture of your personal credit history
If you’re at least 18 years of age and you are, or have been, a borrower of money, credit reporting bodies (CRBs) such as Experian are likely to hold credit reporting information about you. Your free* Experian credit report can be ordered once every 3 months. In order to provide you with your report, we need to check and verify your identity.
Once you’ve provided the required information and submitted your credit report request, your information will be verified, and your request will be processed. You will then receive your free Experian credit report within 10 working days.
Before we can process your request and to protect your identity, you will be required to provide the credit reporting information we hold on you from ONE of the following identification documents. Please ensure you have acceptable photo identification ready before completing the report request.
Acceptable Identification:
Credit Report requests from a third party can be ordered on behalf of a consumer (e.g. solicitors, credit repair agencies).
To complete the request, the following information will need to be provided via email to: creditreport@au.experian.com
100 points of identification check
Please provide a minimum of 100 points of identification and proof of address from the list below.
Driver Licence issued by an Australian State or Territory | 40 |
Roads and Maritime Services (Formerly RTA) photo card | 40 |
Proof of Age Card (Government issued) | 40 |
Government employee ID (Australian Federal/State Territory) | 40 |
Current Australian Tertiary Education Institution Photo ID | 40 |
Defence Force Identity Card (with photo) | 40 |
Foreign passport (current) | 70 |
Australian passport (current) | 70 |
Medicare card issued by Health Insurance Commission | 25 |
Credit card or debit card issued by a financial institution in Australia | 25 |
Australian Marriage Certificate (Australia Registry issue only) | 25 |
Change of Name Certificate (Australian Registry only) | 25 |
Taxation Assessment Notice | 25 |
Centrelink card issued by Centrelink | 40 |
Department of Veteran’s Affairs card issued by DVA | 40 |
Working with Children / Teacher’s Registration Card | 40 |
Full Birth Certificate (not a Birth Certificate extract) | 70 |
Utility bills (e.g. phone, electricity or gas) | 20 |
Australian Mortgage Document (current address) | 25 |
Property rates notice | 25 |
Bank or credit card statements showing your current residential address | 25 |
Property lease agreement | 25 |