We’re a trusted partner for many of the world’s most recognised brands and public service organisations.

How we help our clients

Our clients use our marketing data to get a better understanding of how individuals, households and geographical areas might behave. So they can:

  • Send you, and others like you, marketing messages you're more likely to be interested in
  • Show you relevant adverts and messages
  • Predict your likely interests or behaviours to allow them to communicate with you more effectively

Any organisations who access our marketing data are governed by strict contractual restrictions to make sure they protect your data and stick to all applicable data protection and privacy laws.

We also independently audit our partners to make sure they meet our high standards when it comes to how they handle your data.

Our client sectors include


We work with car and motorcycle manufacturers and their dealer and retailer networks (new and used vehicles). Our clients also include tyre and exhaust manufacturers and retailers and automotive maintenance services.


We work responsibly with a carefully selected range of charities who offer their services both in Australia and overseas. These organisations are involved in areas such as health related research and support, children’s welfare, elderly welfare, general aid and disaster relief, animal welfare and other organisations that rely on donations to undertake their work for the benefit of individuals and society.


We work with educational establishments such as private & public schools, universities and educational institutions.

Entertainment and leisure

This sector contains many of the organisations and brands that we interact with in our leisure time: drinks companies, drinking and eating establishments, cinemas, theatres, concert organisers and arts, theme parks, spectator sports such as football clubs, museums and other visitor attractions and venues. This sector also includes organisations that provide services, facilities or goods that are related to our hobbies and also organisations which provide ticketing and promotional services for entertainment and leisure events.

Financial Services

Separately from Experian’s work in our credit referencing business. We offer marketing services to financial organisations such as well-known banks and building societies alongside new entrants to the banking marketing place, and comparison sites, who offer a range of financial services to consumers which include loans, mortgage and savings products.

Health and beauty

This sector includes manufacturers of health and beauty products / pharmaceuticals as well as location-based and online distributors of these products. It also includes organisations offering health and beauty treatments. It covers health service such as doctors, hospitals, care homes, opticians, and hearing specialists.


We work with organisations offering insurance products across areas such as vehicle and breakdown, home, pet, life, health/illness and travel. We also work with insurance aggregators and comparison sites.


Organisations in this category focus on providing products and services that are relevant to the way we choose to live.

Mail order

Whilst Experian do work with clients in this sector, there are not many organisations today that still largely rely on catalogue distribution by mail for promotion of their products and services. Many of these organisations now also have a website, which is often now their main channel to create customer awareness.

Public sector

Experian work with several public sector organisations: national and local government and associated support services; emergency services such as the police, fire and ambulance; public health bodies; and public service initiatives, support and awareness groups.

Publishing and media

Our clients here range from national TV and satellite broadcasters, national and local radio broadcasters, national and local newspapers, magazine publishers, and poster site owners and content providers.

Clients here include many well-known brands selling goods from shops (in the high street and in retail parks), as well as established online retailers.


The primary function of these organisations is the provision of telephone and mobile phone services, although many operators also provide additional services to consumers such as broadband or digital TV packages. Organisations who focus on security to help protect our communication devices from viruses also fall into this category.


Clients here include organisations offering: holidays (short and long stay); travel booking sites; transport (air, road, rail and sea) and associated services; and hotel chains. Some of these clients have high street locations but increasingly provide their services through a website or app.


We work with organisations offering utility services such as water, gas, electricity and other power sources.

Third party partners, advertising and media agencies, business service providers

We also work with carefully selected partners and advertising, marketing and media agencies who use our marketing data to help their clients and brands engage more relevantly with you.