We hope you think our products and services create benefit to you as a consumer but we also appreciate you may want to opt out of Experian processing your personal data for direct marketing purposes and passing this on to our clients for similar purposes.

We will always respect the choices you make.

You can object at any time to our processing of your personal data for direct marketing, including our profiling to the extent it is related to that direct marketing.  Once we receive your objection, we must stop using your personal information for this purpose.

We allow consumers control over their personal data through several mechanisms:

  • We provide full information through our information pages of relevant data subjects rights and how consumers can opt out of marketing – both with Experian and with the marketing industry more generally
  • Links to information provided by third parties, where appropriate and helpful which will allow you to see the originating source of your personal data with appropriate contact details so you can contact them to be removed at source
  • Experian has a dedicated Customer Service team who you can contact if you have any queries about your data or questions about how it is being used 

Experian’s Opt Out File

When you ask us to ensure your personal data is not used for direct marketing purposes, we will add your details to our own marketing suppression file. Any outbound data for direct marketing purpose is screened against this file to ensure your details are not passed on in future to any of our clients.

To ensure your wishes are maintained, we need to continue processing personal data about you on a suppression file. In order to do this, we will retain the minimum information necessary to identify you so that we can then prevent further unwanted processing if your personal data comes into Experian from another source. This activity is in the mutual interests of you, us and our clients to make sure that you are not contacted if you don’t want to be and to ensure that we and our clients do not use your personal data in a way that you object to.

Please be aware that opting out of Experian processing this data for direct marketing, does not stop your data from being collected by other organisations. Nor does it mean you will stop receiving marketing communications or seeing further ads on the internet. However, if you do opt out, the ads you will receive or see are no longer likely to be interest-based and may therefore be less relevant to your interests.

If you wish to object to your personal data being used by Experian clients for direct marketing purposes, and would like to register your details on our suppression file, please click here and submit your full name and postal address in order for your request to be actioned.

You can also register your personal details on our suppression file by contacting us directly using the details below:

Email: customerserviceteamANZ@experian.com

Customer Service Team
Level 26, 2 Southbank Boulevard
Southbank, Melbourne VIC 3006

Please be aware that we will process your request within 7 days, however many of our clients plan their marketing communications in advance, therefore it may take some time to become fully effective. 

Industry Opt-Out Files

If you wish to minimise the amount of marketing communication you receive from all organisations, there are several industry opt-out files which you can subscribe to, depending on the communication channel:

Telephone Marketing – Experian does not provide telephone numbers for prospect marketing activity, however consumers can opt out of telemarketing activity by registering their details with the Do Not Call Register (https://www.donotcall.gov.au/)

Email Marketing - Unlike Postal or Telephone channels, there is no industry-wide service to opt out of email marketing. Therefore, consumers should always review privacy policies and marketing opt-in check boxes when registering for services or purchasing products online.  Where unwanted email marketing is received, consumers should unsubscribe via easy to find links within the email or use spam filters to prevent future communications.

Online Advertising - Marketing data is widely used to inform the advertising displayed when browsing online.  While digital marketers generally do not know the identity of the individual viewing a page, they can understand their likely characteristics based on their browsing behaviour or location to display a more relevant advert. If you would prefer not to receive targeted online advertising in this way, you may want to consider adjusting your browser or your device settings.

Application of Suppressions

Experian are observant of the needs of consumers and are happy to suppress their details from our database upon their request.

However, as we are only one of several companies with access to publicly available data sources we suggest that you contact the Association for Data-Driven Marketing & Advertising (ADMA) at https://www.adma.com.au/do-not-mail to register your details. We also suggest that you contact the Do Not Call Register and add your phone number to their list, by calling 1300 792 958, or via their website https://www.donotcall.gov.au/consumers/register-your-numbers.